DIY Orange, Cranberry, & Cinnamon Garland

Something about handmade Christmas decorations get me every time. I like to think of this garland as a more refined version of the popcorn garlands we would make as kids. The dried oranges, cranberries, & cinnamon sticks make such a rustic, beautiful combo that any mantel or tree would gladly wear. Also, how fun would this be to make with the kids out of school? Christmas memories in the making.

-Dehydrator (or oven)
-Fresh Cranberries
-Cinnamon Sticks
-Sharp Knife
-Thread or Floss
Step 01:
Slice up oranges & place them on your dehydrator plates

Step 02:
Leave the oranges dehydrating over night. It take around 10 hours.

Step 03:
Once the oranges are stiff in the centers, begin the garland by threading your needle and threading 7 cranberries than an orange.

Step 04:
I used the pattern 7 cranberries, an orange, 7 cranberries, half a cinnamon stick, & so on.

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