Tree Trimming Guide
Decorating the Christmas Tree is one of the most quintessential Holiday traditions in the book. Turn on some Bing Crosby, put on a warm sweater, stir up some hot chocolate, & begin unraveling the lights & unpacking the ornaments. It represents the beginning of the Holiday season. Children examine each ornament & run their fingers over the glitter & porcelain, making a memory to last a lifetime. It's something tucked away from all the busy stores & commercialism. Then there is the timeless decision, real tree vs. artificial. I can't settle that argument for you. However, if you are need of inspiration for tree decor, I'm your girl. I've put together a little guide for you incorporating different styles & color palettes. Also, there are several handmade ornament tutorials up on the blog, if you're looking for something a little more sentimental.

01. Star Topper
02. Green Tree
05. Plaid Ornaments
07. Pompom Garland
03. Fur Skirt
04. Crown Ornaments
06. Bobble Ornaments
08. Tinsel
05. Star Ornament
06. Bobble Ornaments
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