Christmas Decor Styling Guide
There are SO MANY Christmas decorations out there, sometimes it gets overwhelming. The last thing I want is for my home to feel like the Cracker Barrel of Christmas, with a random hodge podge of various Christmas decorations strewn about everywhere. I like to take a step back, think about what kind of Christmas decor would compliment my home the way it already is, & then move forward to find decorations that make the space feel curated & cozy instead of random & uninspired. For instance, if I already have a lot of metallic fixtures in my home, I would look for ornaments & other decorations that are brass, gold, or silver because it would coordinate & look cohesive.
Therefore, I have come up with a guide to help give direction to your holiday decorating, taking into consideration color, style, & current trends. I hope this can be, at least, a starting place for you as you're planning out your home decor for the Holidays : )

02. Felt Wreath
04. Pompom Garland
05. Red Stocking
07. Red Knit Throw
02. Pompom Garland
01. Velvet Pillow
02. Rose Gold Trees
03. Fur Stocking
05. Tassel Tree
06. Tassel Garland
07. Bird Pillow
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